Friday, April 25, 2014

C4K Summary

Venetia is a 5 year student at Pt England School in Auckland, New Zealand. On April 7, 2014 she created a post called Legal Images. In this post was a picture of a bird and under the bird she wrote this is a legal image. She then goes on and tells us how she knew it was a legal image.

Memory is a year 4 student at Pt England in Auckland, New Zealand. On April 15, 2014 she was given the assignment to pick a animal that metamorphosis and lives in New Zealand and show its life cycle through a movie. Memory created her movie on Vimeo called Memory The Life Cycle of a Butterfly. In this movie Memory show us how a egg turns into a caterpillar, how it makes a pupa around itself, and then how it then becomes a butterfly.

Pt. England School

Last C4T Summary

Finding the Right Tool was posted on March 31, 2014 by Beth Knittle. In this log post she says that districts are finding it hard to find the right tools for the right job. she says that the device should be the last thing considered when making this choice. They must first focus on the objectives and determine how far the money will go. Different schools are at different places when it comes to the level of technology integration and therefore would require different tools. They have explored a variety of devices; traditional Windows and OS computers and laptops, android and surface tablets, netbooks, iPads and chrome books. Changes have occured in both applications and hardware in a heartbeat and it is hard to keep up. They strive to find the right tool for the job. She says when it comes to teaching and learning we want our technology to support our staff and students to be able to do the following; Create and share video,Create presentations, and Access and create eBooks.

Also on March 31, 2014 Beth posted Time for an Update and in this post she says she need to update her blog. She claims that her blog is several versions behind. She suggested that she will remove outdated material and clean up some links after procrastinating some time. She was even open for other people suggestions.

Technology in the classroom

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Blog Post #13

As a Elementary teacher what can we learn from these articles?

Technology Integration for the New 21st Century Learner

Pros & Cons: Is Elementary too Early for 1:1 Technology

The Importance of Computer Technology in a Elementary School

Technology in early years
As a upcoming elementary teacher and from these articles, I learned that technology has become a major part of children's lives today. More and more children are being introduced to technology at a young age at home and while that is happening at home we as teachers should take advantage of it in the classrooms. In Elementary schools the use of technology helps student with expression through presentations, videos,and design websites. It helps with gathering information such as speeches and articles from decades ago. It can also cultivate skills and build confidence for children to use later in life through college and as a working adult.

In the Technology Integration article I learned that children know more about technology than the children did in the beginning of the millennium. With children use technology more, we must increasingly put technology into the hands of students and must trust them with more progressive technology use, and it is no longer acceptable that the students don't have as much access to technical tools as the teachers. In order to maximize this opportunity students need a 1:1 ratio to technology on a daily basis. Developing a progressive technology-infused class is not about money; it’s about mindset. A school must be led by a proactive leader who:

1. Makes the needs of the new 21st century learner a priority

2. Deliberately empower teachers to innovatively craft digital learning experiences that promote discovery and creation

3. Establishes a shared vision and unique plan for their students and teachers

In the Pros and Cons: Is Elementary too early for 1:1 Technology article some pros of 1:1 technology are: having students work on lessons according to their readiness and extended learning beyond the classroom. The cons that were bought up were:the lack of physical books being used, and not being able to use physical manipulatives while doing math. The verdict of the article was 1:1 technology for elementary students is not too early because the students are not using it every minute in the class.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

C4K Summary #2

kids connecting around the world

Efa-Lata is a year 2 student at Pt. England in Auckland, New Zealand. In her post Efa-Lata's Swimming Story on March 14,2014, she post a video and picture. In this video she tells us that she is going swimming with her classmates. She also tells us some of the things they will do while swimming, like blow bubbles and splash. The picture that she posted with the video is a drawing of her in the water. Efa-Lata did a great job creating the video and picture.

Seabastian is a 7 year student at Pt. England School in Auckland, New Zealand. His last post was Avatar on March 14, 2014. This post only consisted of a image that he created, it was a recreation of a Batman icon. I thought he did a really good job.

Ana is a 7 year student at Pt England School in Auckland, New Zealand. Her last post was on a Educreations Question on March 25, 2014. The question was a math question and in the video she showed two ways to solve the math problem. She even got the answer correct because I checked.

Blog Post #11

What can we learn about teaching and learning from these teachers

all are teachers all are learners

Friday, April 4, 2014

C4T Summary #3

Intrepid Teacher is a blog written by Jabiz, a middle school teacher of ten years. In his "Well Versed in Books" post written on March 10, 2014, he mentions that he is a book snob, but does not like to read young adult literature. He found himself in a awkward situation when one day he allow his students to choose a novel they wanted to read, instead of just assigning them one. With the look of confusion on his students faces Jabiz also was clueless to what novels to suggest. So he solved this situation with reading more young adult novels, to be able to suggest them to his students.

On February 17, 2014 Jabiz created a post called "Schools Can Be" in this post he starts off be saying he was scared of how people would think of his thoughts, so he kept them to himself. In that very same week he felt different, he was not scared anymore. He goes on to explain several scenarios that happened that week. His first scenario was he was apart of a Share Your Beliefs session, which allowed he to engage in a debate with 11th grade students about faith. The second scenario was he and his daughter did a presentation for a 2nd grade class on why their family became vegans. The last scenario was that his 7th grade class is working on a project for labor rights and treatment of migrant workers in Singapore. At the end of the post he expressed gratitude about how he is able to express his thoughts.

Express Yourself