Sunday, April 6, 2014

C4K Summary #2

kids connecting around the world

Efa-Lata is a year 2 student at Pt. England in Auckland, New Zealand. In her post Efa-Lata's Swimming Story on March 14,2014, she post a video and picture. In this video she tells us that she is going swimming with her classmates. She also tells us some of the things they will do while swimming, like blow bubbles and splash. The picture that she posted with the video is a drawing of her in the water. Efa-Lata did a great job creating the video and picture.

Seabastian is a 7 year student at Pt. England School in Auckland, New Zealand. His last post was Avatar on March 14, 2014. This post only consisted of a image that he created, it was a recreation of a Batman icon. I thought he did a really good job.

Ana is a 7 year student at Pt England School in Auckland, New Zealand. Her last post was on a Educreations Question on March 25, 2014. The question was a math question and in the video she showed two ways to solve the math problem. She even got the answer correct because I checked.

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