Finding the Right Tool was posted on March 31, 2014 by Beth Knittle. In this log post she says that districts are finding it hard to find the right tools for the right job. she says that the device should be the last thing considered when making this choice. They must first focus on the objectives and determine how far the money will go. Different schools are at different places when it comes to the level of technology integration and therefore would require different tools. They have explored a variety of devices; traditional Windows and OS computers and laptops, android and surface tablets, netbooks, iPads and chrome books. Changes have occured in both applications and hardware in a heartbeat and it is hard to keep up. They strive to find the right tool for the job. She says when it comes to teaching and learning we want our technology to support our staff and students to be able to do the following; Create and share video,Create presentations, and Access and create eBooks.
Also on March 31, 2014 Beth posted Time for an Update and in this post she says she need to update her blog. She claims that her blog is several versions behind. She suggested that she will remove outdated material and clean up some links after procrastinating some time. She was even open for other people suggestions.
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